Debra J Hogans Disability Claim
Claim # 3080645
Debra J Hogan
10065 Baylor AVE, Hastings, FL, 32145
Phone: 904-325-4083
The following information is to be viewed SOLELY by the SSI/Disability agencies and or medical expertsl and attorneys as needed to assist in making a determination regarding Debra J Hogans qualification for disability benefits.
WHY are we contesting the disability review denying Debra Hogan benefits?

Simply put, there was no review done to even attempt to make a knowledgeable decision.
In order to work ANYWHERE, a person MUST be able to follow the rules and directions for the job. This is true no matter if you sweep floors, flip burgers, and ESPECIALLY true in the medical fields.

It is also true that ANY job requires a person to focus on what they are doing (such as driving a car), pay attention to the task, Know where they are and WHY they are there, and to REMEMBER what part of the job they already did an hour ago and what remains to be done before their shift end.

According to Debra's last 4 places of employment (as an LPN) she has problems doing the above at times. Like any person who has mental issues of any sort, some days are better than others which may appear as though a problem in those areas is resolved (it is not).

As Debra's husband of 30 years I have seen these problems over the last 5 years steadily grow more obvious every year. Her Employers all LIKE her, however she just can not seem to stay on track from one week to the next with the JOB and her duties.

So then, I testify as her husband her problems are real. Her last 4 work places have indicated the problems are real. The fact Debra has totalled out 2 vehicles in the last 3 years caused by not focusing on  the task at hand is real.The opinion of her last places of employment stating that Debra HAS the above issues at work (and remember her employers ARE professional medical personel) is real.

Debra has worked as a nurse for 35 years. She knows NOTHING ELSE. Review the fletchers.pdf  recording from her last work place as to WHY it is they had to terminate her. NO ONE at your offices has ever bothered to listen to it (imagine that)....

My Wife (Debra Hogan) does NOT take drugs, nor any medication so whatever the problem is with her is NOT an issue of loss of Sleep, nor drug induced. Medical science is not all encompassing when it comes to the brain as you know.

So, You now have testimony from an Expert in associated observational behavior of Debra Hogan (that is Me, John Hogan) over many years of observation of Debra Hogan telling you Debra is NOT fit to go to work (anywhere), NOR to drive a vehicle to work.

You have also listened to a call from her last place of employment from someone who has worked with her whom IS a professional in the field of nursing telling me and you now that she is UNFIT to work as a nurse from her observations over the course of a years employment with that agency.

Debra was also fired from her last 4 jobs for the same reasons (NOT capable of performing her duties and follow agency protocols).

IF the review board for Disability after this review feels Debra is still capable of gainful employment after reviewing this information then your agency is effectively only endangering Debra Hogan because Debra WANTS to go back to work in the only job she knows.

Medical tests/history - disabilityform.pdf - doctors - employers - fletchers pdf - Fletchers Phone Call
Medical Tests/History

Back around 1980-84 Debra broke her neck in at least 2 places when her car rolled over on top of her. She was treated at St James hospital in Pontiac Illinois (which burnt down decades ago). She was in hospital for 2-3 months.
Debra has nasty yeast infections lasting 2 or more weeks since 2010. This happens once every year or two.
Broken shoulder while at work when she fell out of a chair and hit the ground back in 2019 when she worked for Family First home care of Jacksonville. Treated at Flagler hospital and orthopedic associates st Augustine.
Debra totaled out a car in an accident in 2019 and treated for minor injuries at Flagler Hospital st Augustine. She had xrays and maybe an MRI done at that time.
Debra totaled out another car in 2021 and luckily only had minor bruising. No treatment anywhere.
Her last work place as an LPN nurse (Fletchers Home Care) stated she was unable to perform her duties (I have it recorded) and felt that at times she seemed so confused that they felt she may NOT be able to find her way back home after work. That was on or about October 15 of 2021.

Upon further investigation by me (via calling them) her last 3 work places have in fact let her go due to her inability to perform her duties properly under Florida Nursing laws. This was actually unknown to me as I was told a different tale by Debra and I know she does NOT LIE to me intentionally so I have to believe her to simply be confused over the reality of those and the latest decisions. Sort of like a state of Disillusion or cognitive dissidence.
I, John Hogan am her husband and doing what I can to help her get things done and get to appointments and such of course. I do NOT allow Debra to drive a vehicle any longer.  I have seen a decline in her cognitive ability and she seems very confused many days about what is going on around her or what she did a day ago and sometimes 5 minutes ago (some days are better than others).

She will ask me what day it is, and 15 minutes ask me again.

Her sister has also commented about this to me some time ago as she seems to recall things in the family that simply are NOT true and never happened. Once again it seems a state of  Disillusion. Some mornings she will wake when it is time to wake up, get up, and ask me questions about events that never ever happened and some of those events are IMPOSSIBLE to happen period!

I have noticed these slow declines for several years but have put most of them off as a more or less. Today, we both have to take this as a much more serious issue.

I now realize however that Debra's lack of focus, concentration, and memory retention short and long term is without a doubt something YOU would not like to see in a nurse you hire to take care of your kids or loved one. From my observations even around the home I also have to say Debra is not someone you would want to hire as a clerk, stock person, cashier, lawn service, or any other job position I can think of which would require any sort of attention span, focus, concentration, memory retention, or adherence to safety protocols.

Bear in mind Debra has worked over 35 years as an LPN. It is all she knows (or knew). With the shortages of nurses in general across the country NO employer is going to fire a nurse without due reasons to do so and especially considering the people who would be doing such firing ARE NURSES and can spot signs of loss of cognitive abilities easily as these are EXACTLY the same types of patients they hire a nurse to take care of in the first place...

It is dangerous for my wife Debra to DRIVE a car to and from work, and certainly to work as a nurse for anyone under these circumstances. Not my opinion but the determination of other Nurses in fact.

Debra does NOT smoke, drink, or take drugs. She likes to fish, used to cook a lot (I do most of it now for several years), she likes to read and lookup interesting information on the web and watch comedy and animal videos. She really does not exercise much at all nor bike ride but does like to sit outside in a swing. She likes animals and pets.

Things I notice Debra does:
  • She often walks around in a daze and when sitting in a chair will stare off into blank space
  • Her gait when she moves and walks is very slow and without purpose sometimes goes into a room and forgets WHY she did so
  • She will begin doing something, stop for a bit, and MAY or may NOT get back to it until it is finished
  • She will forget where we are going when we have to go somewhere even when told several times what it is we are doing and why
  • When arrival at a place she will ask WHERE are we
  • She will begin talking about something that NEVER happened believing it to be true
  • She will forget something I may have told her several times just 5 minutes earlier
  • She will ask me if she is supposed to work today even though she knows she is FIRED and sometimes confuses where it is she actually works (last employer) I tell her she has been dismissed but she will ask me again maybe an hour later
  • She will moan at night and when awake sometimes seemingly in PAIN
  • Debra is unable to lift more than 15 pounds overhead, and lifting more than 10 pounds hurts her. She is pretty overweight and very out of physical shape overall.
  • Debra will often Mumble when she speaks and when she is speaking to someone she looses focus on the conversation and sometimes goes off on an off subject topic altogether and often simply walks off during a conversation.
  • She seems to have little to no comprehension of the time or date and sometimes would get in her car and forget where it is she is going. Sometimes she will even drive to the wrong city for appointments and even when she worked she actually drove to the WRONG place of employment several times.

When she got fired from Fletchers home care I had to know WHY. I asked her of course WHY she was terminated but the story I got did NOT add up to me with all her years as an LPN so I called them and ASKED! I had talked to the staff there a dozen times before when she took several hours (8 hours) after her shift to get home (worried about her in Jacksonville traffic) so the staff and I had become familiar.

I recorded the conversation that followed as I was suspect about her reason for dismissal. IF YOU listen to that conversation YOU as a concerned spouse would have to arrive at the same conclusion and that is, 'Debra is no longer fit to DRIVE to work far less to perform her nursing duties!

I do not know how the SSI/Disability board is about LOGIC and FACTS, however; as a programmer I am a very logic based type of person who can follow a set of proven facts. Such facts that tell me Debra should not work as a nurse are below.

  1. Debra as an LPN MUST under law follow a set of procedures well outlined by the state as well as by ANY licensed nursing care facility. This includes using a computer to enter shift reports/records.
  2. Debra HAS followed the LPN guidelines and practices established for many years. Nursing is the ONLY job she has done for 35 years. She can NOT operate a computer or cell phone well enough for a cash register job, or any job requiring her to use any sort of computerized equipment (believe me I have tried for many years to show her).
    She WILL do things right one day per the instructions given to her, and get them totally wrong the next day (just ask her prior employers).
    Her last 3 employers have told me as much so it is NOT just me saying this is true. I know she has spent hours every week in her employers office going over protocol and methods over and over and over again and again. She will do things according to the employers training one day, then off the the races again a day, a week, or even just hours later.
  3. Debra gets LOST:
    She has gotten LOST on her way back home after her shift more than once and ended up on her way to a different city entirely. She has also forgotten WHERE she even works from time to time when her office called her to report to the office.
  4. Debras physical strength and ability is not very good. MINE is not very good either, but I am diabetic and have had several foot surgeries and right now I have a peripheral arterial line (PICC) line in my arm taking intravenous antibiotics.
    Debra is helping me with the administrations of these antibiotics of course (she KNOWS her job, but being able to do them unsupervised is a different matter I am afraid). I too know how to administer and manage picc lines and infusions so I merely make sure it gets done properly. Thing is She will do them properly one day, then FORGET a step the next day (I remind her).
  5. Debra will often moan at night in her sleep in obvious PAIN. I think most of the pain comes from her once broken shoulder area which although they tell me IS HEALED long ago, likely has soft tissue damage which may never heal.
  6. Debra will to this day still get up and ask me IF she has to work today! I just keep telling her NO, you have been fired months ago!
  7. Debra WANTS TO GO BACK TO WORK  AS A NURSE! As such, she is in denial of her condition which is common for someone with memory/cognitive issues.
We had called:
Medicaid Testing Jeremy 904-390-4053

And got and went to an appointment at: Psych Inc-Palatka
Friday Dec 17, 2021 Appt at 4:00 PM in palatka for debs psych testing
Ste 106, 613 St Johns Ave, Palatka, FL

I was NOT impressed by the 'Doctor'. Hope you did not pay her yet.

When my wife and Debra came out to talk with me (I was in waiting room) She told me, 'Debra has no idea WHY she is here'..
I almost pissed on the floor when she said that! Cmon guys - THINK about it man!

Even though it was explained to Debra in advance of where, why we were there, even though Debra was in the room with me and heard everything when I called Fletchers about why she was fired, even though she was informed as to just WHY it was she was also fired from the last 2 other jobs she had, and even though all this was known to the examiner that Debra was in obvious denial of her condition, she has the gall to ASK HER WHY and expect to hear a different response other than 'I do not know'... Give us a break!

She DID tell me I would get a transcript of her 'Interview' with Debra, and DID tell me she would refer some other tests for Debra such as maybe an MRI, etc (which is what I would expect)...

Early onset Alheimers runs in Debras family. I realize that cognitive problems can be difficult to diagnose/treat, but; you can NOT do so under a 10 minute interview and expect an accurate assessment.

Anyone who has a loved one in a nursing home who has mental issues CAN tell you the degree of ability CHANGES hour by hour, or day by day and I find that is true for Debra.

The bottom line is simple: IF you listen to fletchers-phone-call.mp3 between ME and Jennifer (one of her boses at Fletchers) you will see it WAS in fact a professional Nursing Care business that told me I and Debra should seek out HELP with SSI/Disability....

You want PROOF that Debra has some sort of ailment/illness/inability to WORK. You have it already.

This is what is called 'Evidence' from her peers of a serious problem. And NO, it was not an issue of her not getting sleep or a noisy environment as I have always been the one to do the house, yard, Cooking, and cleaning chores and did so very quietly AFTER she went to work so as NOT to disturb my wife debra...

She is simply in total denial of reality of the facts my friend and as so has been putting problem issues SHE has off onto someone else (blames them for things they have not done). I love my wife and can handle it now that I realize there are serious cognitive issues.
With that being said, it is also the DUTY of the SSI/Disability board (and the doctor at Physc Inc) to have LISTENED to this evidence (which they did NOT do even though I provided it to them).